Archives: FAQs

We will make the logo available to you on our Branding Manual, which can be downloaded from the members’ section on our website.

The annual meeting/conference typically lasts 2 to 3 days long. We begin with a cocktail party on the first evening and then what follows are any scheduled presentations or one-to-one meetings. In addition, we take a tour of the local Read more…

The meeting/conference provides you an opportunity to develop a robust global network of agents. To create a reliable network of agents may require a considerable expense from you in terms of both time and money while traveling the globe to Read more…

We require that at least one (1) senior member of staff from each company to attend the annual meeting/conference. Any company that fails to send any representation for two (2) consecutive annual meetings/conference will be expelled from the network.

UFN members understand that it is in their interest to treat customers well, as they may earn business from them in the future. In the instance of any unprofessional behavior by other members, our members agree to report such incidences Read more…

Agents should not have to spend their time collecting debts, UFN has a policy of zero-tolerance for late payments. The unpaid agent should contact UFN administration immediately and the member will be contacted and given 5 business days’ notice to Read more…

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